Sunday 30 November 2008

Change of initial Idea. New Idea.

Our initial idea was based on Domestic Violence. However, I decided to change this idea and create an opening sequence based on 'Honour Killing'. This idea was inspired by the 'Riaz Family Tragedy'.

My narrative will be viewed in Flashback form, and from an omniceint narrative, this will not be told from anyone's piont of view.

The Theme is - 'Honour Killing'.
The Genre is - Family Drama.
Characters - Male and female (Husband and Wife) - these are the main/central characters, there will also be three children and another male character.
Location - A House and Streets.
Enigmas - Various enigmas will rise throughout the opening sequence as it will portray a traumatic, yet true family tale.
Music - The type of music we wish to play over the sequence is something upbeat, reflective music, this is to reflect the anger of the central character and clearly show the viewer of the state of mind he is in, this sould be very edgy music. However at the beginning of thesequence we might have upbeat music but towadrs the end we could possibly use something very calm, depressing and slow like the sound of violins or the piano.
The lighting will be dim and the majority of the shots will be taken in the evening and inside the house.

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Media Coursework - Film production/Destk top publishing